New 50 amp Mild Steel process for XPR300®

Effective on July 9, 2018, a new set of 50 amp consumables for cutting mild steel will be released for the XPR300. This will fill the speed/cut quality gap that currently exists between the 30 amp and 80 amp sets on certain metal thicknesses.

The new process features O2 as the plasma gas and Air as the shield gas, which is different from the existing HPR process which uses an O2 plasma/O2 shield combination. The new XPR process delivers extremely good cut quality at much higher cutting speeds (roughly 2x) than on HPR. An additional benefit is the reduced likelihood for dross.

The charts (click here) show the new XPR 50 amp mild steel process speeds compared to the 50 amp HPR® process.

This chart  provides part number information. The process uses the standard XPR Shield Retaining Cap (420200), Nozzle Retaining Cap (420365) and Water Tube (420368).

The new process cut charts are available in the latest version of Phoenix. If using EDGE® Connect, the updated cut chart database is available through your regional Product Application Engineer. PDFs of the revised cut chart can be found here.

Pricing information is available online on Xnet (